9 Tips For Being Prepared for Practice

Are you prepared for practice?

At Infinity, we consistently encourage our athletes to review their routine videos and counts before training to ensure they are prepared for practice.

Here are tips on how you can be prepared for practice sessions:

1. You have practiced your Counts using uploaded videos of your routine or count sheets.

2. Ensure you have reviewed the routine video for any things you need to correct at practice.

3. Plan your goals for the session. What do you want to make a concious effort of improving on? Maybe you want to have better positive self talk, or, you want to hit all of your stunts, or, to not give up today if things get hard, or, not miss a Tumble pass, or, have straight legs in all of your Tumbling, or, have good communication with team mates. 1% better every day has a huge impact.

4. Don't leave preparing for the last minute, this can even be done the day before.

5. If you have selected a Goal for the practice, let your coach know so they can help keep you accountable.

6. Get to the gym 5 minutes before training, put some earphones in, and mark your routine so you are prepared and refreshed with the Counts.

7. Have a dedicated Cheer diary. You could note down any counts or parts of the routineyou need to work on, and your practice goals. (As per points 1, 2 & 3).

8. When practising at home - record your motions and Tumble (if it is safe to do so). Review your video and make your own corrections, and work on fixing them.

9. Overcome excuses. If something is stopping you from being prepared for practice, don't use it as an excuse. Find a way around it.

We want all of our athletes to be successful and skilled, so we encourage everyone to attempt to go the extra mile by picking one of the 9 suggestions and getting started!

Which point are you going to start with?


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